Dale Medical Centre is the only WorkCover WA approved Service Provider in Armadale.

Workcover WA has accredited Haynes Medical Centre for Baseline Hearing Tests and Subsequent Hearing Tests.

Officer at Dale Medical Centre was approved as "Approved Audiometric Officer" by Workcover WA. Dale Medical Centre upgraded its facilities, equipment and provided special training to its staff to obtain these approvals.

Workcover WA describes in its website "It is compulsory for employers to arrange baseline hearing tests in prescribed workplaces, even if wearing hearing protection. All workers employed in a prescribed workplace for the first time must have a baseline hearing test within twelve months of commencing employment."

You may find more details on Hearing loss, who responsible, what are prescribed work places, what is a baseline hearing test by visiting Workcover WA website.

Please call us to book your Baseline Hearing Test - 08 6118 4570