Dale Medical Centre (DMC) complies with its confidentiality and privacy obligations. Our principal concern is and always will be the health of patients who visit our practice. A high level of trust and confidentiality is required to ensure the confidence of the patients we serve.

Patients will be assured that:

  • Their privacy will be protected when visiting the Medical Centre,
  • The information collected and retained in our records is correct and up-to-date, and
  • That they can access their information for review.

Health Information

DMC recognises that the information we collect is often of a highly sensitive nature and as an organisation we have adopted the highest privacy compliance standards relevant to DMC to ensure personal information is protected.

For administrative and billing purposes, and to enable the patients to be attended to by other medical practitioners at DMC, patient information is shared between the medical practitioners and other health providers at the medical centre. DMC and the medical practitioners may collect personal information regarding patients (including health information) for the purpose of providing medical services and treatment.